Flea Control


Fleas are a major nuisance for pets and pet owners alike. They thrive when the weather is warm and humid. Many pets reside indoors and fleas have become a year round problem with contamination of both the yard and home. Fleas are a constant source of irritation for your pet and can be the source of FAD, flea allergy dermatitis and intestinal tapeworms. They are capable of transmitting several diseases. Heavy infestations can cause iron deficiency anemia.

A flea problem on your pet means a flea problem in your home. Understanding the flea life cycle and methods for its control can be a daunting task. We will gladly assist you in this process. We can provide you with safe, effective flea prevention and if necessary, flea treatment. See the flea article in the Pet Health Library of our site.

All kinds of services for cats and dogs!

Please contact us if you have any questions about these procedures or if you think your pet might benefit from them.

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