Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ Categories

General Questions

Routine dental care is essential for preventing dental disease and maintaining your pets’ oral health.

Wellness check-ups are vital for monitoring your pet’s overall health. These visits help detect potential issues early and ensure your pet stays in optimal condition. Schedule your pet’s wellness check-up at Yorkson Creek Animal Hospital.

Consult your veterinarian immediately, as it could indicate a serious urinary issue. Contact our qualified veterinarian for more information.

The frequency of bathing your dog typically ranges from every 4 to 8 weeks. However, this can vary based on several factors including the breed, coat type, dog size, activity level, and skin condition.

Medical Issues

A dog’s normal temperature ranges between 100.5°F to 102.5°F.

A cat’s normal temperature ranges between 100.5°F to 102.5°F.

Pets, especially young ones, losing teeth can be normal during teething. However, in adult pets, it often indicates dental issues. Consult a vet from Yorkson Creek Hospital for evaluation.

Kennel Cough is a contagious respiratory infection characterized by a persistent, dry cough in dogs. It’s commonly spread in places like kennels and grooming facilities.

Scooting may indicate issues with anal glands or the presence of parasites like worms. These conditions can cause discomfort or itching around the anus. A veterinary assessment is crucial to diagnose the underlying cause.

Bad breath in dogs can stem from dental disease or gastrointestinal issues.

Persistent runny eyes in pets may indicate an underlying health issue; veterinary evaluation is recommended.

Reproductive Questions

Spaying doesn’t directly cause weight gain but requires a balanced diet and exercise to prevent obesity.

No, spaying eliminates heat cycles in female pets.

No, spaying prevents pregnancy by removing reproductive organs.

After spaying, monitor incision, restrict activity, and follow vet instructions for medication and post-operative care.

The benefits of spaying include preventing unwanted pregnancies, reducing the risk of certain cancers, and curbing behavioral issues.

Recovery after spaying/neutering typically takes 7-10 days for stitches to heal, with activity restrictions and pain management.

Estrus cycles are reproductive phases in female dogs and cats when they are fertile and receptive to mating.

Estrus is not typically painful for dogs; it primarily involves behavioral changes and mating instincts.

No, male cats do not experience heat cycles; only female cats go through estrus cycles.

Signs of a cat in heat include vocalization, restlessness, increased affection, and assuming a mating posture.

Neutering doesn’t affect the masculinity of your pet, it only prevents reproductive behaviors and reduces certain health risks.

Dog pregnancy typically lasts about 63 days from conception to birth.

Cat pregnancy usually lasts around 63-65 days from conception to birth.

Yes, a litter can have different fathers if a female mates with multiple males during her heat cycle. This process is called “superfecundation.”

False pregnancy is a hormonal condition where pets exhibit pregnancy-like symptoms without actually being pregnant.

Spaying and neutering costs vary but are generally affordable and outweigh potential health and behavioral issues. Contact us to explore affordable options and benefits.

Expenses for spaying or neutering your pet typically cover surgery, anesthesia, and post-operative care. Contact us for details and options.

External Parasite Concerns

Yes, you can get ringworm from your pet, as it is a contagious fungal infection. Treating your pet for ringworm typically involves antifungal medications, topical ointments, and sometimes medicated baths. Follow your veterinarian’s advice and maintain good hygiene to prevent spreading the infection.

Constant scratching could indeed indicate that your pet has fleas. However, it could also be a sign of other skin issues such as allergies, infections, or dermatitis. To determine the exact cause and provide the best treatment, it’s advisable to bring your pet to our clinic for a thorough examination.

Internal Parasite Concerns

Parasites are organisms that live on or inside your pet, including fleas, ticks, and worms. These parasites can cause a variety of health issues. Ensuring regular check-ups and preventative care is crucial to keep your pet healthy and parasite-free.

Some parasites, such as tapeworms, are visible to the naked eye, but others need to be identified through microscopic examination. Bring a stool sample to our clinic, and we will examine it to check for worms.

Heartworms are parasitic worms that reside in the heart and lungs of infected pets, leading to severe health issues. Signs of heartworm infection include coughing, lethargy, and breathing difficulties. Detection is typically done through a blood test, which can confirm the presence of heartworms.

Pets acquire heartworms when bitten by an infected mosquito, which introduces larvae into their bloodstream. These larvae mature into adult heartworms over time, residing in the heart and lungs and causing significant health issues. Preventative medication is essential to safeguard your pet from this serious and potentially fatal disease.

Yes, cleaning your cat’s litter box can expose you to parasites such as Toxoplasma gondii, which can lead to toxoplasmosis in humans. Using gloves and washing your hands thoroughly after cleaning are important hygiene measures to reduce the risk of infection.

Adult pets may contract worms after coming into touch with polluted soil, water, excrement, infected fleas, or prey. It is recommended that your pet receive regular deworming and preventative care to protect them from these parasites.

Scooting can be caused by worms, but it can also signal an issue with the anal glands or another irritant. It is critical to bring your dog to our clinic for a checkup in order to diagnose the cause and administer the necessary therapy.

The little white segments on your pet’s fur are most likely tapeworm segments, indicating a tapeworm infestation. Bring your pet in for a full evaluation and treatment to eliminate the infestation and protect your pet’s health.

Male Pet Inquiries

The ideal age to neuter your pet is generally around 6 months, however even this can vary based on breed, size, and health. Consult with our veterinarians to determine the best timing for your specific pet.

Neutering your pet is strongly recommended because it helps avoid certain health problems, eliminates undesired behavior, and aids in population control. Our vets may provide extensive information specific to your pet’s need.

Neutering can help reduce aggressive and rough behavior in dogs by lowering testosterone levels, which are frequently linked to such disorders.

Neutering your cat can considerably reduce or even eliminate spraying activity because it reduces the desire to mark territory. It’s an effective solution for dealing with this widespread problem.

The time it takes canines to attain sexual maturity varies. In general, a dog is ready for stud when he is totally mature and healthy.